I went to the festival of colors on the 26 of march and i went with Emily Young, Kia Wilcox, and Camille Allred. what we did at the festival of colors is throw chalk everywhere and so we had to wear clothes that we didn't mind get dirty in. the all we had to pay for is the chalk it was free to get in and the chalk only cost six dollars for three bags. the festival of colors it was so much fun. now in this picture of me standing next to this thing it was inside of the temple of where we were at for the festival of colors, and the picture shows me all covered in chalk. the festival of colors was so much fun i was gone all day starting at noon. i had so much fun at the festival of colors and when i got done i found out that my cousin Lindsay was there but she was there before i was, so she already left when i got there. i so want to go again next year cause i had so much fun at the festival of colors this year.